What We Do

AppsAgri simply means Information and Communications applications developed to provide solutions for agriculture and agribusiness. It is aimed at corporate agricultural companies and organizations to add value to their products, services and their overall corporate image using Information and Communication Technologies tools available.
W: www.appsagri.com

AgriNigeria.com is an online News platform that provides daily News and Events Updates to her audience covering the major areas of the agricultural value chain in Nigeria.
AgriNigeria.com prides herself as a leading and foremost news portal for agriculture in Nigeria.
W: www.agrinigeria.com

Farmgate eCommerce Network is Nigeria’s No. 1 e-commerce Solutions Company.


Every industry needs customized solutions for effective service delivery and efficiency. webAGRO is a Digital Solutions Agency using new web technologies to add value to agribusinesses. New technologies (ICT) is changing all facets of human endeavor, agriculture must embrace and utilize the opportunities for development. We build web solutions that add value to agribusiness.
W: www.webagro.co

Agribusiness Academy was born out of a passion, to add value to the stakeholders across the agricultural value chain. E-learning for students, farmers, and other stakeholders is essential, giving them an opportunity to enroll for a course online, and the required examination, thus helping them to learn more and add more value to themselves while doing what they do; facilitated by instructors, who are certified professionals in agricultural education and training.
W: www.agribusinessacademy.org